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Cayard Foods

We offer a delightful sweet treat that not only satisfies your cravings but also offers a plethora of health benefits.

Bonbon Lanmidon

Most Delicious Tapioca Treat

Indulge in the exquisite pleasure of Bonbon Lanmidon. With its rich source of dietary fiber, natural energy-boosting ingredients, and nutrient-dense goodness, Bonbon Lanmidon is the guilt-free treat that tantalizes your taste buds while supporting your overall well-being.

A Cookie that Celebrates Tradition and Evokes Nostalgia

Bonbon Lanmidon is a culinary venture born out of passion and heritage. Inspired by a family recipe, we bring to you a delectable array of flavors that will celebrate tradition and evoke nostalgia in every bite. We proudly pour our love and expertise in this cookie by ensuring a reflection of warmth and authenticity of traditional family baking. Enjoy Bonbon Lanmidon as a snack, dessert, or a great accompaniment to your daily glass of milk or coffee, and by the way it also pairs well with any cordials.

Tapioca and Its Nutrient Content

Derived from the cassava or yuca root, tapioca has been associated with various health benefits. However, it’s essential to understand that many of the nutrients from cassava may be lost during the transformation process into tapioca. For instance, while some sources advocate tapioca for strong bones, citing its calcium content, a 100-gram serving only contributes to 2% of the daily recommended calcium intake.

Low in Sodium

Our Bonbon Lanmidon products contain a mere 35mg of sodium per serving, which represents just 2% of the recommended daily intake. It supports kidney function, has less water retention, and is heart-friendly.

Gut Health Promotion

The resistant starch content in tapioca may enhance gut health by feeding beneficial bacteria in the large intestine.

Blood Sugar Regulation

The resistant starch from the tapioca might assist in stabilizing postprandial blood glucose levels.

Source of Iron​

Regular consumption can contribute to daily iron intake, which is vital for preventing anemia and ensuring healthy blood function.

Energy Boost

Tapioca is a complex carbohydrate and can provide a quick source of energy, making Bonbon Lanmidon cookies a suitable snack for a midday pick-me-up.

Support for Breastfeeding Mothers

While more research is needed, starchy foods, including tapioca, might promote breast milk production.

Allergy Considerations

While tapioca allergies are rare, there have been reported cases of cassava root allergies in various regions. A potential link with latex allergies has been suggested, but further research is needed. If one is allergic to cassava root, tapioca should be avoided.

Adverse Effects

Consumed in moderation and prepared correctly, tapioca is usually safe for most individuals. However, issues might arise with the improper processing of cassava or excessive tapioca consumption.


Order Your Bonbon Lanmidon Today!

Experience the goodness and deliciousness of Bonbon Lanmidon by placing your order today. Treat yourself or surprise your loved ones with this delightful and health-conscious confection. Embrace the joy of guilt-free indulgence with Bonbon Lanmidon!